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806 Tulip Lane

Naperville, IL 60540

web site: http://www.accessall.net

email: access@accessall.net

or agorman@accessall.net


AccessInfo evolved from deep interest in disabilities, ongoing study, and increasing involvement in the disability community for over fifty years.

Milestones include:

Directing Roads to Learning, 1996-2001 - a national project on learning disabilities and library resources and services

Serving on the Board of the Learning Disabilities Association of Illinois as of 2017

Speaking nationally on disabilities, especially learning disabilities
Working on the Illinois Autism Task Force until 2014

Developing collaborations between disability organizations and community service organizations

Informing parents about Special Education legislation and law: PL 94-142 and later about it's successor, IDEA, as well as the impacts of Response To Intervention (RTI) and other trends in education

Researching and compiling resource lists for use by people with disabilities, parents, and disability organizations and libraries

Championing universal design to assist people across the lifespan, irrespective of any differences

Writing about disability issues and solutions, on web sites and for print and online magazines and newsletters
